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Cyber five

2019 Email and E-commerce Holiday Season Recap

2019 Email and E-commerce Holiday Season Recap

The 2019 holiday season has concluded, and once again ecommerce experienced record-breaking sales. This online holiday season registered just above $142 billion in online sales, a 13% increase from last year, according to Adobe Analytics.

But what made the 2019 holiday season so successful, and which trends have become the new normal? In this recap I’ll discuss the Cyber Five, the Cyber Ten, smartphone growth, the value of email marketing, daily sales benchmarks and more.

Cyber 10: The Holiday Shopping Sprint You REALLY Need to Prepare For

Cyber 10: The Holiday Shopping Sprint You REALLY Need to Prepare For

Most digital marketers have heard of the Cyber Five, the five shopping days from Thanksgiving Day through Cyber Monday. These five days happen to be the top five online sales days for the entire holiday season, accounting for 19% of all online holiday sales.

And now, within Gray November comes another consumer shopping evolution that will become a holiday season norm — the Cyber 10.