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Email Marketing During COVID-19: How to Send Emails During a Crisis

Email Marketing During COVID-19: How to Send Emails During a Crisis

Marketing in a crisis, any crisis, is not easy. Marketers need to balance their human side with business needs, and knowing where that line sits is not always clear. But know this — what you do now will determine how your brand is perceived in the future.

This post by Whitney Blankenship explores the right way to approach your customers during a crisis, whether it’s COVID-19, or another future catastrophe, and how you can add value to your customers while trying to maintain your needs as a business.

Why Amazon is trying to out‑Walmart Walmart

Why Amazon is trying to out‑Walmart Walmart

Cash is king. Well, actually, Amazon is king. And it certainly creates a lot of cash. Not only does Amazon continue to dominate e-commerce, but it also impacts almost every line of business—from supermarkets to web services. Now it’s even getting into pharmaceuticals.

The folks over at Amazon are not dumb. They test, and they try. Often times, they even fail. But while they push the limits of getting to market, they’ve also proven to be patient. More importantly, they’re very calculated.

Retail Predictions: How Small Retailers Will Change In 20 Years

Retail Predictions: How Small Retailers Will Change In 20 Years

In the year 2037 we may not quite be on planet Mars, but one thing is certain, the face of retail and ecommerce will have drastically changed, and this is particularly true for smaller retailers and mom and pop shops.

In the third installment of a three-part series, find out how I predict small retailers may change 20 years from now.

Bridging the Online-Offline Personalization Gap

Bridging the Online-Offline Personalization Gap

Consumers are so keyed in about personalization that a recent study found 40% of online shoppers expect that multichannel merchants know about their offline purchases and factor those into their marketing emails. Let me repeat, we’re talking about offline purchases!

Retailers recognize this as a challenge, and are eager to solve it. But realistically, too many retailers struggle to connect their consumer profile data, purchase data, and email data — much less bridge the gap between the online and offline world. Consumers are coming to expect something most retailers are not yet poised to provide.

Retail Predictions: How Mid-Size Retailers May Change By 2022

Retail Predictions: How Mid-Size Retailers May Change By 2022

Over the next five years, mid-size retailers such as L.L. Bean, Hasbro, and Wayfair will see large impacts and face the most challenges. While we may not have a crystal ball, industry experts, like Greg Zakowicz, have a direct tap into the changing landscape of retail, so we asked them how they see mid-size retail and ecommerce shifting over the next five years. From emerging technology to shifts in how consumers receive their goods, there are a lot of iterative changes that our industry is likely to see.

In the first of a three-part series, find out how I predict mid-sized retailers may change over the next 5 years.

How Retailers Are Redefining the Shopping Experience

How Retailers Are Redefining the Shopping Experience

I recently found myself popping in and out of stores in the SoHo section of New York City, and one thing stood out to me – the in-store experience left a lot to be desired. Too many times, I walked into a store only to be greeted with a very passive “Hello,” at which point the store associates turned back to whatever they were doing before. To maximize space, stocked items were often jammed together from floor to ceiling, making me feel like I was in some claustrophobic cave of color palettes. The experience wasn’t enjoyable; in fact, it felt more like an exercise in futility.