Greg Zakowicz

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The Death of the Open Rate: How Email Marketers Can Prepare for iOS 15

Email marketers at e-commerce brands use traditional reporting data such as open, click, and conversion rates to measure email campaign performance. But what happens when you suddenly take away one of those long-established data points?

Buckle up because we’re about to find out.

Apple’s announcement of its upcoming iOS 15 update, which is expected this fall, includes a feature that prevents companies from seeing whether subscribers opened their emails while using the Apple Mail app. Not everyone uses iOS or Apple's email app. But losing even partial data makes the rest unreliable for making informed marketing decisions across your email program.

It’s not all doom and gloom for marketers, even if 61.7 percent of all emails are opened in Apple Mail. I believe it’s quite the opposite. This is an opportunity for e-commerce brands to work on what really matters.

Here are six ways you can prepare your email marketing program for the death of the open rate: